Activating Drivers
My master's thesis, "Activating Drivers: Improving Takeover Performance in Automated Vehicles with Attentive Driver-Vehicle Interfaces", explored the potential of attentive driver-vehicle interfaces to improve takeover performance in conditionally automated vehicles (SAE Level 3). The experiments in this research study were conducted in a custom low-fidelity driving simulator developed in Unity, and used the activation strategy of attentive user interfaces to increase the driver's level of arousal to an optimal level before the start of the takeover process. While this study did not find significant evidence that the activation strategy enhances takeover performance, the data showed a significant increase in driver attention, demonstrating the potential of attentive driver-vehicle interfaces to improve road safety in automated vehicles.
Degree and Institution
Interaction Design Master's Degree at FH JOANNEUM University of Applied Sciences
Tools and Technologies

Coming Soon…
Case Study Currently Under Construction
Thank you for taking the time to explore my projects. I am currently updating the functionality and content of my portfolio website. As a result, the detailed case studies are still a work in progress and will take some time to complete. However I will make them available as soon as they are ready. In the meantime, feel free to contact me directly if you have any questions about this particular project.